Commercial Auto Insurance

Dallas Term Life (DTL) has partnered with more than 30 -Top Rated Insurance Companies to helper clients compare Commercial Auto rates & coverages. Our Partnership has served approximately 400,000 clients. Average savings for our auto clients is $509 a year? 

What You Get

Standard Commercial Auto Coverage

    Premium Commercial Auto Coverage

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What does commercial auto insurance cover?

      medical bills, property, legal expenses and personal injury. if you’re sued. The accident must involve a company’s vehicle and be operated by an authorized user.

      How much commercial auto insurance do I need?

      Each State has its owen reqiurements allow Dallas Term Life to find the coverage that best fits you.

      Do I need commercial auto insurance for my personal vehicle?

      If you are useing your personal vehicle for offical buseeines. you need to have commercial auto insurance to ensure the vale of the carage is fully covered 

      How quickly can I get commercial auto coverage with Dallas Term Life?

      With Dallas Term Life you can get your business fully covered in less than 24 hours.

      What happens if I need to buy more insurance later?

      You can add extra coverage at anytime, the process is quick and easy. can be completed in least then 20 minutes 

      What happens if I cancel my policy?

      You can cancel your policy at any time. if you feel the need to stop your insurace policy simply reach out to your Dallas term Life representative.

      Other Insurances

      Small Business Insurance

      Get the insurance your buessness needs Our business insurance gives you the confidence to take smart risks.

      Business Owner Policy

      The foundation of any business is the busniess owerners policy . Let Dalls term Life help you made your stong.

      Life Insurance

      Protect yourself and your loved one’s with our conveinent Life insurance policy.